Thursday, May 30, 2013


I know that a few weeks ago I recommitted to praying every day for endangered species, but that has been very difficult for me. Again, the time aspect was pretty big: I have lots of time, but I've gotten out of the habit of setting time aside for species prayers, and that made it harder to recommit. And somehow it just didn't seem that important.

I know that was foolish of me. If anything is important to me, I should be praying about it. Prayer is how to change things here on earth. I finally managed to start making a habit of it a few days ago, and this morning was pretty amazing. I knew in my heart that prayer is incredibly important for accomplishing things here on earth, and that God wants us to pray. It's been a rough few weeks, but I felt an incredible peace and joy as I prayed.

God is amazing! And He is always with us.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Karl Barth quote

“To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world.” (Karl Barth)

This past week I really felt that this was the reason that I pray. I just saw so many wrongs in the world, so much brokenness, that it drove me to pray. 

May God break our hearts for the brokenness of this world.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Renewed Commitment

As you have probably noticed, I haven't posted much here recently. That's because I haven't been praying much for endangered species--don't get me wrong, I've been praying about all sorts of things (nations, friends and family, people at my school, even some environmental stuff), but endangered species have not been something I've prayed for lately. I think it's because it just seems so overwhelming, looking at this long list and trying to work through it every day. It's intimidating, and it seems as if it will take up just too much time (I wish that wasn't a large part of the reason, but it is).

But I've come to realize that this is unacceptable. Prayer is important--God wouldn't ask it of us if it weren't. Prayer changes the world. Well, one thing I want to see less of in the world is extinctions and other environmental degradations, and if I truly want that (which I do) then I will have to commit to praying about it as well as changing my actions.

So this is me, committing a second time to pray for the earth and endangered species. I know more what I'm getting into this time around, but I am determined. More importantly, for those times when my own strength ands determination fail, I know that God is calling me to this and that prayer is important.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Late Nights

I can't sleep tonight, so I got out my computer. I was planning on going to some pointless website, but instead I felt the urge to pull up my list of endangered species. I prayed through a few and felt God's peace.