Thursday, October 18, 2012


Like I mentioned in my last post, I haven't been praying that much lately. I've been really busy, and praying felt more and more like a chore, something to cross off my to-do list, rather than a wonderful time to spend time with my God and to try to make a difference in the world. I did miss praying, and I wished that I could do it more, but nothing changed for a bit.

This past week, though, God has really been working in me, and telling me that my schoolwork has become too important to me. Yesterday I forced myself to sit down and pray through a list of species. Today I thought of this quote from Martin Luther:

I've got so much work to do today, I'd better spend two hours in prayer instead of one.

What would it be like if I lived that out in my own life? 

This morning was very stressful; I was up late the night before, I went back to sleep twice and then had to hurry through some work for class that morning. I felt a bit lost and frustrated, and my thoughts were out of control and sinful. When I got back from class, I heard God whisper, "Pray." So I sat down and prayed for a list of species.

And it was amazing. I felt peaceful and refreshed. Taking the time to spend with God was totally worth it.

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