Friday, August 24, 2012


I am so behind in my "schedule" for prayer for endangered species--about five days behind. I have had a hard time carving out time for prayer now that I'm back at school, of course made only worse by the knowledge that I have twice as much or three times as much to "do" as I would on a normal day.

There are so many problems with that thinking! Firstly, prayer isn't something to do, something to check off your to-do list each day. Prayer is joyful time, unscheduled time, time spent with God learning about Him and talking to Him and asking Him about what's most important to me. Secondly, when I do allow myself to get behind, prayer becomes that much more of a chore, because there's so much more to do, and I know that I should take even more time to completely finish. Did that make sense?

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